Election Day April 4

Today is Election Day. Polls are open from 7am to 7pm. You can only vote at your assigned polling location.

April 4 Meeting of the Board

The Rogers County Election Board will meet tonight starting at 5pm. to open absentee ballots. and canvas the returns after the polls close at 7pm. AGENDA will be posted HERE

Meeting of the Board April 7

The Rogers County Election Board will meet to certify the April 4th Election. Agenda will be posted HERE

Post Election Audit

The Rogers COunty Election Board will hold a Post Election Audit today starting at 10 am. You can also view live proceedings on our Facebook Live. facebook.com/rocovotes Audit Notice

Fire District Filing

Candidates wanting to file for open board seats for area Fire Districts can file July 10-12. Monday-Wednesday from 8 am to 5 pm. Candidate filing packets are available here and at the County Election Board office.

Fire District Filing

Candidates wanting to file for open board seats for area Fire Districts can file July 10-12. Monday-Wednesday from 8 am to 5 pm. Candidate filing packets are available here and at the County Election Board office.

Fire District Filing

Candidates wanting to file for open board seats for area Fire Districts can file July 10-12. Monday-Wednesday from 8 am to 5 pm. Candidate filing packets are available here and at the County Election Board office.

Early Voting August 8 Special Election

Early Voting for the City of Owasso, and The City of Catoosa Special Election Early Voting will only be located at the Rogers County Election Board.

Early Voting August 8 Special Election

Early Voting for the City of Owasso, and The City of Catoosa Special Election Early Voting will only be located at the Rogers County Election Board.

August 8 Special Election

August 8 there will be an election for the City of Owasso, and The City of Catoosa If you live in these municipalities, you can go to your assigned polling location to vote. Please call the Election Board office if you need assistance. 918-341-2965  

Meeting of the Board of Elections

There will be a meeting for the Rogers County Election Board for the August 8 Election. Agenda will be posted here: